Don’t have TCM Clinic Aid? You should!!!
Are you a TCM student who doesn’t know what resources to invest in? Choose this! TCM Clinic Aid is indispensable. It’s FULL of information; it’s well-organized; it’s not a million dollars! I use this all the time. I used to check all the information in CAM, ACT and Deadman, but realized I didn’t need to keep doing that because the information is dead on. I had a question and emailed the tech support and they responded right away (pointing out nicely it was my error not theirs :)
So this is all to say, if you are thinking about getting this app you probably should. Also, I added the quizzes recently and I LOVE them. It’s so helpful with remembering point location and herb indications. Having the quizzes at my disposal whenever also means I’m studying more.
*TCMstudent about
TCM Clinic Aid, v2.0.16